JC Tutoring

Brain Injury Tutoring Specialist

Creative, Committed and Caring Tutoring for Individuals with Brain Injuries. 

With an understanding that every brain injury is unique, I aim to enrich the lives of people affected by providing an educational focus and developing tailor-made lessons and courses, which tap into their interests.  

"Researching psychological approaches and attending training focused specifically on the effects of brain injuries has helped me develop strategies to build positive and constructive relationships.

Typically, sessions are held once a week and in between the sessions I touch base to set homework, in order to keep the topics fresh in the mind and stretch the capabilities of the short-term memory.  Clients I work with on a regular basis have shown improvements in their mental attitude, well-being and cognitive ability." 

John Cavendish 

Cambridge Level 5 Certificate in FE Teaching
Teacher, Drummer, Sound Engineer, DJ, Mechanic, DIYer, Father and Fixer of all things fixable.  
07766 810 819 


Read what our customers have to say

Dr Giles Yeates

Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist,  Rippling Minds www.ripplingminds.com 

"Fostering an educational experience and process with survivors of brain injury can be a very challenging process, and few educational professionals exist with the experience and skills to adaptively respond to the unique needs of each survivor. I am very glad that John is an exception - his work is valued by the brain injury professionals working alongside him, and importantly, the survivors who are enriched and stimulated by his involvement."



"I find my tutoring sessions with John stimulating and have enjoyed learning more about the different subjects that I'm interested in. John is a great tutor. He encourages me to think more broadly and to share my opinions with confidence. I also love the homework that he sets!" - Lucy, March 2021.

Dozens of satisfied clients

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